Are you a Hotel?

The 10 must-haves for a successful hotel website

The official website is often the first element that users come across in their search for a hotel and, in this case, more than ever, the first impression is the one that counts: a polished image and a smooth and engaging experience are essential to increase time spent on the site and increase the chance of conversion. So here are ten essential elements that your hotel website needs to have to offer a memorable experience from the first click.

Date of Publication: April 2024
  1. Seamless browsing from any device

Having a website optimised for any device, from desktops to tablets to smartphones, is critical for two reasons. The first concerns Google indexing, which for several years now has excluded non-optimised websites, as we discussed in this article. The second reason is the user experience. More and more users are browsing exclusively or almost only from mobile devices, and it is essential to ensure a smooth and seamless experience: loading speed, clarity of information and the absence of anything that could hinder smartphone browsing are therefore essential elements for a good website.

2. Fast loading speed  

A fast website is critical to ensuring a good user experience and scoring highly on search engines. With a proprietary CMS connected to the Content Delivery Network system provided by Microsoft Azure and the ability to replicate the site's content to 118 hubs worldwide, Blastness delivers the same browsing speed wherever you are in the world, it also quickly loads content-rich sites like hotels.

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3. Highlights above the fold

A website homepage is just like your hotel reception, it only takes a few seconds and the right words to instantly establish a positive connection with guests. This is why the design of the homepage is of paramount importance and should clearly present the strengths that make your hotel unique: from your prime location to your exclusive services and from the design of your rooms to your special offers; presenting key selling points helps visitors immediately understand your hotel's added value. The homepage should also be regularly checked and updated to highlight any new services or remove any outdated offers.

4. Call to Action in the right place

Call to Actions (CTAs) are another key element in increasing the conversion rate of a hotel’s website and must always be strategically placed in key positions to increase conversions and maximise bookings.

5. Videos and images to showcase your hotel

The visual part is a key element of any website and probably even more so for hotel and resort websites. Photos and videos are in fact the only tools that a hotelier has available to them to show the features that make their hotel unique and attract the attention of potential guests. Our advice is therefore to hire a professional who knows how to make the most of your rooms and details. Also, with a photographer, you can be sure that you have files that can be uploaded online, without running the risk of grainy or low-quality images.

6. Unique and compelling visual identity

A recognisable visual identity means strengthening your brand and differentiating it from the competition. Using colours, fonts and graphics that reflect the hotel’s atmosphere and style is not only critical to creating a pleasant user experience but is a necessary step to building an emotional connection with guests.
The visual identity chosen for the site should also be consistent with the hotel: from using the same colour palette to branded amenities, a strong coordinated image will help you create an unforgettable memory and build customer loyalty.

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7. Crisp, professional copywriting

While high-quality images are essential to capture users’ attention and immerse them in the atmosphere right from their first visit to your website, it’s then up to the copy to clearly and originally convey all the information that users need.

8. SEO optimisation to rank highly on SERP

Well-written tetxts not only mean having impactful copy and a tone of voice consistent with your positioning, but if the copy is written with SEO in mind it can also help you get the hotel’s website to the top of Google, increasing online visibility and attracting qualified traffic.

9. Easy-to-manage content to keep your site constantly up-to-date

A degree of content management autonomy is essential to keep your website fresh and interesting, as are Booking Engine integrations to publish offers automatically to further facilitate this process. Our user-friendly and intuitive booking engine and CMS systems combined with personalised training mean that anyone can master these operations.

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10. GDPR compliance

All companies with an online presence, regardless of type and size, must ensure that website user data are protected. There is a risk of incurring sanctions, which can be very serious. For this reason, our proprietary cookie tool is installed on all websites created by Blastness, which guarantees compliance with privacy regulations, giving visitors the necessary transparency and control over the personal data collected while browsing.

Do you want to know what your current website's potential is and use a web agency that specialises in the hotel industry?